Thomas Stream was born November 26, 1941- Passed August 29, 2021
Born on the island of Kodiak, Alaska. During the war, his family moved to Washington State, settling in Seattle in 1945. After graduating in 1960, he volunteered for the draft and entered the Military, serving as a combat engineer. He re-enlisted in 1962 and served in Korea, being honorably discharged in 1965.
After the military, he worked in the food processing business. In 1971, he attended Seattle Central Community College and studied graphic arts and illustration. Graduating in 1974 with a degree in advertising arts, he then entered Cornish School of Allied Arts in Seattle and studied fine arts; graduating in 1976.
Since then, he has been a working artist. He has studied and worked as an abstract artist, minimalist, surrealist, cartoonist, and a miniature artist.
In 1981, he established Streamline Studios, as a freelance artist working as a scrimshander and soapstone carver. Supplying work to Oceanic Trading Company, Indian Arts and Crafts, Ivory Jack's Trading Company, and to a number of local and Alaska retailers.
The images rendered in Thomas Stream's current works of art illustrate humility and honor to a unique group of people. The Aleut people lived in a world of scarcity and became expert at deriving maximum benefits from the scanty resources that nature provided. He hopes that his work brings honor to his people, the Aleut.
Museums and Galleries
Established 8-21-2022 Thomas Stream Gallery Port Orchard, WA
Lynch and Kennedy Skagway, AK Legacy Gallery LTD Bellevue, WA Stonington Gallery Seattle, WA
French National Collection of contemporary Art Boulogne-Sur Mer, France
Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA
Heard Museum Library, Phoenix, AR
Autry National Center, Los Angeles, CA
Alutiiq Museum, Kodiak, AK
Burke Museum University of Washington Seattle, WA
Musuem of the Aleutians, Unalaska, AK
Public Collectors:
The Allen Collection, Seattle, WA University of Washington, Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Swedish Hospital, Seattle, WA
Harbor View Hospital, Seattle, WA
Seattle Art Collection, Seattle, WA
Tacoma Art Collection, Tacoma, WA
Touchstone TV Production; Gray's Anatomy, Hollywood, CA
Seattle Public Utilities, Water Conservation Dept. Seattle, WA
National Parks Service, Oak Hill, WV
Washington State Department of Transportation, Olympia, WA
PrivateCollectors: Nationally and Internationally Copyright© 2025 ps Streamline Indus.LLC. and Thomas Stream Gallery: Online, Aleut Artist. All rights reserved.
Reproduction of any content or image on this site is strictly prohibited without express written consent by the Artist or personal representative.